This privacy policy explains the information we, Sony Music Solutions Hong Kong Limited, may collect personal information (“PI”), what we collect, why we collect, how we use and who we share with.

Collection of Personal Information

"Personal information" in this policy refers to information relating to an individual that includes name, telephone number, mobile phone number, company name or e-mail address that could be used to identify a specific individual.

1. Compliance with Laws

When handling personal information, we shall comply with the obligations set forth in the Hong Kong Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Chapter 486, laws of Hong Kong SAR (the “PDPO”), relating to the protection of personal information.

Purpose and Use of Data Collection

We may use the data collected from our website for following purposes:

  • Provide information, products and services from your enquiry;
  • Provide customer services and support
  • Improve and enhance our existing services;
  • Conduct direct marketing activities including but not limited to promotion, marketing and marketing communications.

If you do not consent to us using and/or sharing your personal information for any of those purposes, we may not conduct direct marketing to you and provide your personal information to others for direct marketing purposes. You may also subsequently withdraw your consent by writing to our Data Protection Officer at the below address. If you exercise your right to opt out of the use/sharing of your personal information for any of the above purposes, it will mean that we, our group companies and/or third party service providers will not be able to send you any direct marketing, targeted or special offers in the future. Where you exercise your right to opt out to direct marketing, we shall cease to use and transfer your personal information for direct marketing purposes, without charge.

2. Transfer of Personal Information and sharing

We may share and respond appropriately to requests for the disclosure of your personal information. We shall take the appropriate secure management measures as strictly as possible to safeguard the personal information. We may share your personal information as set forth for followings.

  • any subsidiary, holding company, associated company or affiliated of Sony’s group companies;
  • any third-party service providers which perform business functions on our behalf
  • any business transfer partners, in connection with a merger, acquisition or insolvency, corporate restructuring and reorganization; or other corporate change including, without limitation, during the course of any due diligence process;
  • any third party to comply with legal obligation and law requirements.

Your data may be retained, transferred and shared to third parties in countries outside Hong Kong SAR.

3. Security Control Action

We shall endeavour to keep the content of personal information accurate, complete, and up to date within the scope of the purpose of use, shall take the necessary and appropriate secure management measures in accordance with technological standards at that point in time in order to prevent unauthorised access, leakage, tampering, loss, or damage, etc., and shall make corrections as necessary.

4. Retention Period

We may retain your personal information which we collect for a period necessary to attain the specified purposes in this policy. Where required by applicable law, we shall delete your information when the information is no longer necessary or requested to do so.

5. Collection of Information Using “Cookies”

A cookie is a small amount of information created in a computer when a person visits a website on the computer and these cookies to be stored on a web browser. The data collected from cookies is used to find out more about the use of our site and user preferences to improve our services.

Please note that you may not be able to take full advantage functions of the Site when you reject the cookies.

6. Changes to Privacy Policy

We are sensitive to users' privacy issues and recognize the need to update this policy as new features and business services are offered by us. You will be notified of any changes to this policy prior to the change date.

  • check whether we hold any of your personal information;
  • seek access to your personal information held by us;
  • request correction of your personal information;
  • ascertain our policies and practices (from time to time) in relation to the personal data and the types of personal data held by us;

We reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee in relation to the time and attendance involved in complying with any request in this regard.

7. Contact us

For enquiries regarding personal information / application for access to personal information, please write to

Data Protection Officer

5/F, YKK Building Phase 3,

7 San Ping Circuit, Tuen Mun, N.T.

Please note that under section 19(1) of the PDPO, the data access request would be complied within 40 days after receiving the request form. If the request is unable or has valid ground to refuse to be complied, in accordance with section 19(2) or 21(1) of the PDPO, you will be given a notification of such matter within the same 40 days period.